Pond Sculpture Depicting a Triton, Late 18th/Early 19th Century

This triton is made after one of those designed by François Girardon for the basin of the Pyramid of the Palace of Versailles, installed on the north parterre, in front of the South wing. Son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, Triton is a god half man half fish, who announces and carries messages. He stands at the head of the marine processions and four figures of these mythological creatures were already present at each corner of the ancient semaphore of the lighthouse of Alexandria.

Ours presents a very delicate chiseling, the finesse of the naturalistic treatment of the body is nicely highlighted by a velvety patina. It is certainly a very beautiful sculpted work that can be appreciated without needing to immerse it!

The whole is in very good condition (a lack on the left hand which must have once supported an element – conch or basin – now disappeared).

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