Pair of Earthenware Vases from Sarreguemines, “Duplessis” Model dated 1904
This model of covered vase called Duplessis is a tribute to the great ornamentalist Jean-Claude Duplessis (1699 – 1774) who worked in particular for Louis XV and his court at Versailles.
This model created in 1878 in Sarreguemines earthenware was presented at the Universal Exhibition of the same year when the rococo taste was experiencing a remarkable revival. he public, fond of tormented, crawling, vegetal forms, was then very attracted by this gallant 18th century which still carried within it the image of an errant but charming, comfortable and luxurious Ancien Regime. This is all that embodies these two large creamy white potiches, very fashionable at the end of the 19th century.
This is how Sarreguemines seized on this taste to revive the great hours of the Louis XV style in new forms, nicely baptized with names that marked this golden age of French royalty. These are the shapes named Louis XV, Pompadour or even du Barry and, of course, Duplessis.
Chacune de nos potiches Duplessis, d’une édition de 1904, en parfait état, est à juste titre exceptionnelle par son piédestal la mettant en scène et en valeur. Indeed, if one sometimes finds copies of the Duplessis covered vases, they are almost never displayed on their pedestals.