Resources and documentation
Our objects have a history. Through our themed articles, explore their past and the techniques and crafts that created them.
22 March 2021
An Indonesian Mask, Late 19th / Early 20th Century
Far from the common and touristic productions of Bali, this bondres mask (topeng) testifies to the traditional Indonesian theatrical practice, a central practice of the culture of…
3 March 2021
The Silver Hallmarks: Identifying and Dating
Nothing is easier than finding a hallmark on a piece of silverware. It is still necessary to be able to identify it and to know its meaning! A few clarifications to help you find…
1 March 2021
A Gilded Bronze Church Lectern, 19th Century
The Neo-Gothic period left its mark on the minds and tastes of the second half of the 19th century. Religious works of art are privileged witnesses to this, especially when they…
18 February 2021
Cloisonné enamel
From Ancient Egypt, where it was used on the pectoral of Ramses II, to the wonderful translucent creations of Art Nouveau, cloisonné enamel rose to the rank of the most…
2 February 2021
Oil on panel signed Fougerat, 20th century
Little-known master, Emmanuel Fougerat was a remarkable painter. His work, full of delicacy, is expressed in fragile and discreet nudes.
29 January 2021
Bronze signed Jean Gaspar (1861 – 1931), March 1918
Today considered the greatest Belgian animal sculptor, Jean Gaspar was a tormented artist whose genius is today compared to that of a Rembrandt Bugatti or an Auguste Trémont. A…
22 January 2021
Japanese copper basketwork box, 19th century
All in copper basketry, our discreetly gilded and lacquered box is a typical Japanese aesthetic: the Wabi Sabi.
22 January 2021
Japanese ivory okimono, 19th century
Japanese sculpture par excellence, the okimono is not only decorative. A careful reading of the motifs reveals the culture as well as the humour of the Japanese...